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- ;
- ; Garshneblanker Installation Script $VER:Garshneblanker 37.4 (31.10.93)
- ;
- (set @default-dest "SYS:WBStartup")
- (set @pref-dest "SYS:Prefs")
- (set @envarc-dest "ENVARC:")
- (set @env-dest "ENV:")
- (set installReqTools 1)
- (set @default-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt "Where would you like Garshneblanker installed?")
- (help "The WBStartup directory on your boot disk is likely the best place "
- "to put blanker. This will insure that Garshneblanker is run "
- "automatically when you boot your computer."
- )
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (working "Checking for previously installed version of Garshneblanker.")
- (set newBlanker (tackon (pathonly @icon) "Garshneblanker"))
- (if (exists (tackon @default-dest "Blanker"))
- (set oldBlanker (tackon @default-dest "Blanker"))
- (set oldBlanker (tackon @default-dest "Garshneblanker"))
- )
- (if (<= (getversion newBlanker) (getversion oldBlanker))
- (if
- (NOT
- (askbool
- (prompt "An equal or newer version of Garshneblanker already installed. "
- "Install anyway?")
- (default 0)
- (help "An equal or newer version of Garshneblanker is already installed. "
- "If you would like to install Garshneblanker anyhow, click 'Yes'. "
- "If you don't want to install Garshneblanker, click 'No'.")
- )
- )
- (abort "Newer version of Garshneblanker already installed. Aborting.")
- )
- )
- (delete oldBlanker)
- (delete (tackon oldBlanker ".info"))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt ("Copying Garshneblanker to %s" @default-dest))
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source (pathonly @icon))
- (dest @default-dest)
- (choices "Garshneblanker")
- (infos)
- )
- (set @module-dest @default-dest)
- (set @module-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt "Where would you like the Garshneblanker modules installed?")
- (help "You can put the blankers anywhere and Garshneblanker will look for "
- "them there.")
- (default @module-dest)
- )
- )
- (if
- (askbool
- (prompt "Would you like to install the 68030 optimized modules?")
- (help "The 68030 modules can ONLY be run on machines with a 68030 processor "
- "or higher.")
- (default 0)
- )
- (set @blanker-choice "Blankers030")
- (set @blanker-choice "Blankers")
- )
- (set blankersDir (tackon @module-dest @blanker-choice))
- (if (exists blankersDir)
- (run "Delete" (tackon blankersDir "#?") "QUIET" "FORCE")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt ("Copying Garshneblanker modules to %s" @module-dest))
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source (pathonly @icon))
- (dest @module-dest)
- (choices @blanker-choice)
- )
- (if
- (askbool
- (prompt "Would you like Garshneblanker to open its window on startup?")
- (help "This will set the CX_POPUP tooltype to YES or NO depending on your"
- "response. This tooltype dictates whether or not Garshneblanker opens it's"
- "window when it first runs.")
- (default 1)
- )
- (set cxPopUp "YES")
- (set cxPopUp "NO")
- )
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon @default-dest "Garshneblanker"))
- (settooltype "CX_POPUP" cxPopUp)
- )
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon @default-dest "Garshneblanker"))
- (settooltype "BLANKERDIR" (tackon @module-dest @blanker-choice))
- )
- (set cxPopKey
- (askstring
- (prompt "What key-combination shall Garshneblanker use to pop up it's "
- "interface? (This key combination can be used after Garshneblanker is "
- "running to bring it's window to front.")
- (help "This key-combination should be a text string. Examples:\n"
- "Alt Help\nShift F1\nCtrl a")
- (default "Alt Help")
- )
- )
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon @default-dest "Garshneblanker"))
- (settooltype "CX_POPKEY" cxPopKey)
- )
- (makedir "SYS:Prefs/Presets/Garshneblanker" (infos))
- (if (NOT (exists "ENVARC:sys/def_pref.info" (noreq)))
- ((copyfiles
- (source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "env-archive"))
- (dest @envarc-dest)
- (choices "sys")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "env-archive"))
- (dest @env-dest)
- (choices "sys")
- )
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "env-archive"))
- (dest @envarc-dest)
- (choices "Garshneblanker.prefs")
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "env-archive"))
- (dest @env-dest)
- (choices "Garshneblanker.prefs")
- (infos)
- )
- (working "Checking for previously installed version of ReqTools.")
- (set oldReqTools "LIBS:reqtools.library")
- (set newReqTools (tackon (pathonly @icon) "ReqTools/reqtools.library"))
- (if (<= (getversion newReqTools) (getversion oldReqTools))
- (if
- (askbool
- (prompt "An equal or newer version of ReqTools already installed. "
- "Install anyway?"
- )
- (default 0)
- (help "An equal or newer version of ReqTools is already installed. "
- "If you would like to install ReqTools anyhow, click 'Yes'. "
- "If you don't want to install ReqTools, click 'No'."
- )
- )
- (set installReqTools 1)
- (set installReqTools 0)
- )
- )
- (if (= 1 installReqTools)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying ReqTools library to LIBS:")
- (source (tackon (pathonly @icon) "ReqTools/reqtools.library"))
- (dest "LIBS:")
- )
- (if (< @user-level 1)
- ((set temp @user-level)
- (user 2)
- (message "Not installing reqtools.library because an equal or newer version is already installed.")
- (user temp)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= 1 installReqTools)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying ReqTools preferences editor to SYS:Prefs")
- (source (tackon (tackon (pathonly @icon) "ReqTools") "ReqTools"))
- (dest "SYS:Prefs")
- (infos)
- )
- )